For us, you were that complete package- a dead-on message, expressive and authentic delivery and you actively engaged the audience."Vanna Novak, Co-Founder The Executive Development Institute
WOW! People are still talking about your presentation weeks later! We’re having you back, and now 300-400 want to participate. Your presentation was life-changing! You’re helping us to continue to grow.Dr. Traci Lynn, Founder and President, Traci Lynn International
Refreshing, excellent and outstanding only begins to paint the picture of your contribution to our Annual Leadership Day.Kathy Baros Freidt, Director, Washington State Department of Licensing
You were a smash hit!! Zita Gustin, E-Women Network
The buzz in student services is that your keynote was EXCELLENT! The audience raved about your keynote. I was told by many people that yours was the best Women’s Conference keynote EVER!Deana Rader, Director of Women’s Services, Highline College