On many occasions, I’ve have folks say to me, “Debrena, you have the Midas Touch. Everything you touch seems to turn to gold.”
While I certainly appreciate the compliment, I know that, behind the scenes, very thoughtful and strategic marketing is at work. Though it may seem to some like “everything I touch turns to gold and profits,” what they were seeing is the direct RESULT of marketing that worked, with some specific strategic factors thought through and considered first.
Strategic Marketing is the driver behind the ka-ching…it is the driver behind a registration, a transaction, a purchase, a new client, a new customer, or a sale. Over the years, I have seen time and time again, where a great product, service, idea or project with poor marketing, flops, or never gets its proper traction. Or where an average product, service, idea or project, with great marketing, prospers and takes off.
This is why I am SO passionate about marketing and the power of it.
In my 25 years in business, the products, services and ideas that I’ve marketed have achieved great success. These include:
- two nationally published books that have become national best-sellers
- a business that has generated over $2.1 Million in Revenues (as a solo-preneur and no employees…only independent contractors)
- a consistent pattern of FULL tele-seminars and tele-courses – I’ve designed, marketed and facilitated 65 of them thus far
- generated nearly $40,000 in revenues from private coaching clients
- 8 sold-out, long-term tele-courses
- 4 sold-out and profitable large-scale women’s empowerment events
- 6 sold-out empowerment Retreats
- 2 sold-out high-end, deluxe retreats
- plus a new 3rd nationally published book, 3 e-books, 2 self-published books, and 3 audio courses
And the common denominator for ALL of them, is on-point, effective strategic marketing….
Some of the questions that strategic marketing poses are:
- What do you offer, and how is it different/better than other comparable products or services?
- What is the benefit that your product/service provides/delivers?
- What are you distinctive competencies – what do you do really well, when compared to others that offer similar products/services?
- Who is your “best fit customer/client (BFC)? Describe him/her and be specific. (age range (within 7 years), gender, relationships status, kids? ages? How many? level of education, income range, tastes, values, favorite movies, favorite magazine, favorite types of restaurants, types or models of car she/he drives, where does he/she shop for clothes, where does she/he shop for groceries?)
- What are the needs, unmet needs, or solutions your BFC is seeking?
- Where is she/he located in the physical world?
- Where is she/he located in the virtual world – on what social media platforms (top 2)?
- What are the price points they consider “right on” for the value?
These are some of the questions you want to ask and be able to clearly answer.
For aid and support in beginning to put together a strategic marketing plan, You can order my electronic version of my Marketing Mastery 101 Workbook or inquire about my business coaching.