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Dear One:

The old model of success is DEAD. The Divine Woman Advance is about you awakening and recognizing that YOU have the power within you to decide what life you want.

The old model of effort-ing, excessive do-ing, pushing through closed doors like a battering ram, and putting our minds, bodies and spirits often least or on the fringes of our lives, has left many women leaders tired, despondent, and ready to call it quits.

Feeling like you’re “in this alone,” or “there is no one to help me”, always competing, growing more and more tired as you grasp at the straws of promotion, equal pay,  and “one more” graduate degree to stay relevant and marketable has worn us OUT. 

Sound familiar?  – Working late, no personal time off, taking your laptop on vacations and logging in to show your commitment to your projects. Feeling guilty when you do succeed because you are the first person in your family to get “out” or make it. Carrying the weight of a family, community or business on your shoulders.

ENOUGH of “doing” life that way.

Welcome to The  Divine Woman ADVANCE, where you learn to advance UPWARD. It is uniquely designed for the the high performing woman, the thought leader, the business leader, the corporate leader or the “tribe” or community leader who has reached the edges of this “old” model of success.

You seek a life of more Feminine Gracefulness, relaxed poise, creativity, ease and flow.

You are aware that BE-ing is key to manifestation vs doing. You desire to be amongst other like-minded, like-spirited women who, like you, have decided to detach from the “old success model” matrix and answer the call UPWARD  to a higher life. 

The Divine Woman Advance will FREE YOU to embrace your Divine Identity, trust your intuition, manifest your wealth, more deeply connect to God’s Holy Spirit, and receive all that is yours by Divine Right!

Imagine a life-altering weekend in a beautiful and warm Southwest setting with other like-minded and like-spirited women, where your spirit can be restored and renewed, and your soul says YES! 

Imagine being “mid-wifed” through 7 Empowerment and Healing Sessions that more deeply connect you to yourself, your Divine power, other amazing women, and to God’s Holy Spirit.

Imagine being lovingly led and guided by the Dynamic Duo of two powerful sistahs, each a force in her own right, with a solid, long-standing friendship and history of years of co-creating exceptional events and experiences for women together.  Both who are business owners (50 combined years of business experience), Kingdom women that love God, JUICY wives (married 30 years and 40 years respectively), mothers, leaders of women, and Master Coaches.

What is an Advance and who is this Advance for?

Here’s what Sessions we'll cover in this All-Inclusive Weekend

(includes Accommodations, Opening Reception, Meals*, Workbook, 7 Empowerment Sessions, and Swag Bag)

The Divine Woman Advance – Our 7 Empowerment Sessions


Session 1 – The Essence of the Divine Woman: Defined and Designed

Understand what it truly means to live as a Divine Woman in beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and interactions.


Session 2 – The Personal Building Blocks of Living and BE-ing a Divine Woman

What are the 9 essential building blocks upon which a Divine Woman bases her life? How are these different from a “typical” woman’s building blocks, what do they look like when applied in her life, and what difference does it make in your life to use the Divine Woman building blocks?


Session 3 – Feminine Leadership in Life and Love

Feminine Leadership is leading with authority, influence and intuitive grace. As you embrace the spiritual techniques of soul development, you will be empowered to trust your decisions, reign in confidence, and use your influence for Good.

Feminine Leadership creates an energy force of influence from which you will learn to live and operate. You will also learn how to reach, sustain and emit a vibration that attracts and sustains Juicy love relationships and marriages.


Session 4 – Healing the Mind, Body Spirit, Heart & Emotions

Part 1: Identifying your Spiritual and Emotional Toxins

We can hold toxins in our bodies, minds, spirits and hearts that weigh us down, have us feel burdened, create spiritual blockages, and can interfere with our ability to manifest the desires of our hearts with more ease. Scripture reveals that shame causes rottenness in the bones. Spiritual and Emotional toxins can cause shame, guilt, anger, resentment, and even physical dis-ease. We will identify the toxins the and the root of your toxins, so you can begin to GET FREE from them, and live a more liberated life.


Session 5 - Healing the Mind, Body Spirit, Heart & Emotions

Part 2: Cleaning Out your Spiritual and Emotional Toxins

You’ll be guided through a process to begin cleaning out spiritual and emotional “junk, funk and gunk” that has unknowingly accumulated within, and has been interfering with your ability to experience high-level self-love and love yourself and others fully,  and has been impeding your ability to manifest the desires of your heart with more ease.


Session 6 – Woman to Woman

Norms and patterns in society have pitted women against women by making us compete against one another. Causing women to mistrust, compete, stab each other in the back, gossip, tear each other down, operate in scarcity, and believe there is only room for one at the table. This session will dispel these lies and myths. Instead, you will embrace, celebrate, uphold, strengthen and develop intimacy with each other.

You will learn to give and receive love and support from the refreshing rivers of your soul, while receiving and exchanging an overflow of abundance, love and divine peace from your fellow participants.


Session 7 – Your Coronation: Accepting Your Divine Crown

Recognize this weekend as a line of demarcation, where you leave behind living beneath your divine birthright and now embrace it fully. Put on your crown with confidence and move forward beginning to live and BE a divine woman as your new reality.

Here’s where your All-Inclusive Weekend takes place: The Tempe Mission Palms

Investment Options & Details

Your investment in ALL INCLUSIVE: It includes your accommodations (double occupancy), ALL meals (exception, Saturday Lunch is on your own), Swag Bag, Supplies, Advance Workbook, and 7 Empowerment Sessions and Bonus Sessions.


Total Investment: $1,750
Paid In Full Registation
Save $245


Total Investment: $1,995
Regular Registration
  • (Deposit is applied to your total investment) 3 Installments; Due: January (due now), February 1 and March 1


Total Investment: $1,895
Alumni* Registration
  • (Deposit is applied to your total investment) 3 Installments; Due: January (due now), February 1 and March 1
Save $100

You’ll be sent an Authorization Form to complete and return for processing your remaining two installments. You’ll be sent a Confirmation Letter once your initial installment or your Paid in Full is received.
* Alumni Rate
: Available if you’re a graduate of one of Debrena or Delayna’s Courses or Programs, or their joint Courses or Programs.

About Your Co-Facilitators:

What do you get when you bring together two of the most dynamic, grounded, potent, loving and wise coaches and facilitators of women leaders together to co-lead and co-facilitate a weekend of transformation and healing? You get the Extra-Ordinary. 

You are invited to experience the life-altering, mind-shifting, heart-opening power that these two co-create when they come together, as Kingdom women grounded in the Word, as long-time sisterfriends of 30 years, as sistahs who love God unabashedly; who are obedient to God’s spiritual laws in their lives, businesses, marriages and relationships; women who have blessings overflowing as a result of their integrity and desire to live righteously; and who are committed to ushering and “midwifing” women into this new spiritual season of the awakened Divine Woman.

Debrena Jackson Gandy

Debrena Jackson Gandy is a nationally-published best-selling author of Sacred Pampering Principles, All the Joy You Can Stand, and The Love Lies. She’s a keynote speaker, Master Transformational Life Coach, owner of a 25-year successful business, mentor to 16 Black women thought-leaders, and Founder of The Love Academy, MEN-tality Love Relationships Seminars for men, The Covenant Academy, and her new Preparation for Partnership Program, and Creator of her popular Sacred Society LIFE LAB Membership Program.

Through her classes, courses, programs, and retreats, she has ushered thousands of women around the world into living and be-ing Sacred Self-Caring Women and living the Juicy Woman Lifestyle. And her three national best-selling books have reached nearly 100,000 women world-wide.

She has a heart and a passion for helping women BE FREE in their minds, bodies, spirits, hearts and relationships. As a coach to coaches, and a leader to leaders, she is known for the potency in her work, and her leading-edge spiritually-based teachings. It’s no wonder that 40% of those enrolled in her transformational courses and programs find them so powerful, rewarding and impactful, that they return to repeat her courses and programs for a second and third time.

She has appeared on national and regional TV on shows such as Sistercircle, CNN, CNN Live, and C-Span, on popular regional TV shows as Good Day New York, Good Morning Texas, Good Day D. C,  Seattle’s New Day Northwest, and Portland’s Afternoon Live, and in numerous metro newspapers.  She’s also been seen in magazines such as Oprah’s O, Essence, Ebony, Black Enterprise, Heart & Soul, Emerge, and Woman’s Day, and formerly was a TV show host for TBN at their Seattle-Tacoma Station.

She and her wonderful husband, Joseph, have been married for 30 years, and have three beautiful and brilliant daughters.

DeLayna M. Elliott

Born to usher leading women into their greatness, DeLayna Michele Elliott is the wealth coach and midwife to call when you want to transform your mindset and live in the realm of Dominion and Diamond Wealth. As the creator of the Diamond Wealth brand and the Soul Development Life Cycle, she builds spiritually and financially savvy women that win holistically. A Woman of God at her core, DeLayna uses spiritual principles for wealth and everyday living to teach women how to invoke the power of re-coding their soul to create a vortex of opportunity to fulfill their dreams, become the best version of themselves, and thrive financially.

In 2013, DeLayna, alongside her husband Leon, founded World Fidelity Life – a financial services firm that works with individuals and families to safely accumulate and preserve wealth while maintaining the key elements of prudent investing. She is also the COO of The W3 Wealth Institute – an educational institution that teaches individuals and families the power of True Wealth Creation and creating your own family bank. DeLayna is also the co-creators of The Power of Oneness, a movement that teaches singles and couples how to become one with themselves, God, their spouse, and money.

As a highly sought-after coach, speaker, facilitator, author, and licensed financial advisor, DeLayna has worked female CEO’s, corporate leaders, chief diversity leaders, VP’s and Physicians to heal their money wounds, create a safe and solid financial plan, and invoke their right to be rich. Her signature course Mind your Money has been taught for Wells Fargo’s Charlotte Technology Market, and her signature talk Healing Your Money Wounds for Diversity MBA’s National Conference. She is a coach for Seramount’s Multi-Cultural Women’s National Conference. DeLayna is a contributing author for the Diversity Business Review and produced the white paper “The Black Woman’s Economy”. Most recently she and Leon released The Power of Oneness, Winning in Marriage and Money.

Welcome to the Diamond Wealth Life!