13 Money Affirmations to Empower You

  1. I appreciate and respect money and it appreciates and respects me.
  2. Living prosperously means living fully.  I acknowledge and accept the love and abundance that life has to offer.
  3. Every day I am becoming a better and wiser steward of my money
  4. I have plenty to share
  5. I  bless others with my prosperity and the law of increase brings it back to me ten-fold
  6. I continuously think of ways my gifts, talents, passions, skills, abilities, intelligence and wisdom can be packaged to contribute to others, and in return, be converted into cash flow.
  7. I have an attitude of gratitude
  8. I choose beliefs that bring me aliveness and growth
  9. I have a giving, generous and grateful heart
  10. I only speak of success and prosperity.  My words uplift and inspire others
  11. I am comfortable discussing money and money matters.
  12. I give myself permission to be all I can be.
  13. I stand under a spout where good things pour out.

SUGGESTED READING LIST for elevating your money consciousness:

*The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity – Catherine Ponder
The Millionaires of Genesis – Catherine Ponder
*The One Minute Millionare – Jack Canfield and Robert Allen
Crack the Millionaire Code – T. Harv Ecker
Seven Stages of Money Maturity  – George Kinder
*Creating Money – Sanaya Roman
The Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell
Blink – Malcolm Gladwell
*Secrets of Six-Figure Women – Barbara Stanny
Creating True Prosperity – Shakti Gawain

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