ENJOY THIS 60-Minute SELF-STUDY Zoom Seminar for Only $27! Yes, I want to UNBLOCK my Blessings!

Unblock Your Blessings!

keys to manifesting powerfully

with Debrena Jackson Gandy, “Master Manifestress,” Nationally published best-selling Author and Life Coach.

Unblock Your Blessings! PRE-RECORDED Self-Study “Zoom” Video Seminar, PLUS Worksheet, & Bonus Gift

Enjoy Debrena’s popular teaching on the 4 primary Inhibitors and Blessings Blockers.  Pre-recorded so you can purchase it and watch it at your convenience. Learn HOW to manifest powerfully (and with more ease) using what she calls the “Divine Manifestation Code.” She reveals this Code, “hidden in plain sight” in Scripture, and also how to AMP up your “manifestation power.” Includes Worksheet & Bonus Manifestation Mantra.


  • Learn the 3-part Divine Manifestation Process
  • Discover the 4 reasons you may be "mis-manifesting" what you don't want
  • 60-Minute “Zoominar” + Worksheet + Bonus Gift

Hello, Luscious One!

Okay, okay….I’m going to STOP assuming….

On numerous occasions over the years, and especially over the past few months, I’ve had friends, and most recently, team members say to me: “SHARE more about how you have created a Juicy Life for yourself. Take us behind the scenes and SHARE your “personal process. Women want to know.”

My initial response was: But women already know this stuff.

And the reply was: “Debrena, stop assuming that women already know.  Share how it REALLY works, and how you’ve been able to create such a JUICY LIFE for yourself. Most women don’t really know.”  So I heeded it this time.

Yes, there is a specific process, a SPIRITUTALLY-based PROCESS, I’ve been using over the years to create a JUICY LIFE - a life that makes my heart sing, brings a huge smile to my face, has me praising God every morning, and gives me an experience of deep Joy, Joy, Joy - where I’m actually LIVING what’s on my Vision Board.  And Manifestation is a subject that has long-fascinated me. This is why I’ve studied it, closely, and I’ve gotten “better and better” at bringing things forth, from the spiritual 4th dimension, to the physical 3rd dimension. This is what I’ll be sharing in my UNBLOCK YOUR BLESSINGS.

I have SO much to be grateful for…

but it’s not by accident that I have been able to manifest…

SO here’s what I’ve decided to do….

For the first time ever, I’m offering a 60-minute video seminar (a “Zoominar”) on the basics of manifestation!!

What I’ve found is that most of us either: don’t understand the “correct” manifestation sequence, we’re BLOCKING OUR BLESSINGS and don’t even know it, or we keep manifesting what we DON’T want, and don’t understand why.

In my 60-minute UNBLOCK YOUR BLESSINGS! Video Seminar, you will learn:

The REPLAY price is $27.

I have a special Bonus Gift of Debrena’s MANIFESTATION MANTRA …

You will be sent the Worksheet, Bonus Gift and Video Seminar Link, so be on the look out in your email in-box.

Debrena Jackson Gandy,

“Master Manifestress,” Nationally published best-selling Author and Life Coach