ONLY for graduates of Love Academy 201.....

Your Exclusive Invitation...

for graduates of Love Academy 201

Read on if you’re a graduate of Love Academy 201.....

Dear Graduate of Love Academy 201:

You asked and I listened.  

The way I introduce new programs and courses is I track the requests I get for specific topics.

Over the past two years, I started to get an increased number of requests for a Program that teaches women how to be a juicy wife and prepares them for attracting and sustaining JUICY Covenant Marriages.

Again and again, women would say to me: “Debrena, we don’t really know how to BE a wife. We need help.”

So, here it is….my Preparation for Partnership Program, back by popular demand after debuting in 2021.

I launched this brand new Program in 2021, and then starting last year, something very unexpected happened – married women asked if they could also participate. And together, what we discovered is that married women are ALSO operating in the Love Lies, and most marriages are crying out for RENEWAL.  And this is what married women are experiencing.  I even have husbands thanking me.

I personally want to invite you to join me for my 2023-2024 Preparation for Partnership (P4P) Program.

My P4P Program stands alone as a unique, one-of-a-kind preparation journey for women seeking to be a wife in a Juicy Covenant Marriage within the next 1-3 years. And NOW, married women can also officially join us to UNLEARN the “old paradigm” for marriage, based in the love lies and the Marriage Myths, and be ushered into the Love Truths and experience juicy, renewed marriages.

The liberating and insightful teachings in P4P are based upon God’s divine design and divine blueprint for covenant marriage, found in Scripture. But few have studied it and understood it.

Most of us are operating from what we’ve been told, taught and shown, in our personal or family lives, watching our parents, or from what was spoken from the pulpit.

God’s divine design for marriage supports the unique essence and spirit He put in woman and in man, and is intended to create an experience of freedom and self-expression for both. Why is it then, that SO many marriages are burdened, suppressing, dry, barely tolerable and even “dead?”

With the U. S. having THE WORST marriage success rates IN THE WORLD, and this INCLUDES Christian marriages, clearly something is seriously OFF, amiss, and very wrong with how we’ve been engaging and relating in our love relationships.

We’ve been operating from man’s design (which has LONG been failing us), instead of God’s divine design.

Thus far, I’ve personally been notified of at least
53 NEW Black Love Marriages
among graduates of my Love Academy programs. And counting!!

Now you have an opportunity to participate in a NEW program that specifically focuses on preparing future wives and current wives for creating and experiencing JUICY covenant marriages.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the 2023-24 cohort, space is limited to a max of 12 women.

What does your Investment include and what are some of the topics covered in Preparation for Partnership?

24+ HOURS of powerful, potent teachings, mentoring and coaching, PLUS:

Program P4P Workbook

Your 1 on 1 Personal Lightning Coaching Session with Debrena

We’ll convene twice a month for our Sacred Sunday Calls.  

Typically Calls (via Zoom) will be on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, 10:00am – Noon PST/1:00 – 3:00pm EST. The exception is September, which will be the 1st and 2nd Sunday 10:00am – Noon PST/1:00 – 3:00pm EST.  The Final Sessions dates will be provided to those who are a YES to being a part of the cohort, and once your payment option is confirmed.

Reading and reviewing our Program “textbook,”  Debrena’s book, The Love Lies

An assigned Prep Partner – another woman from within the cohort, as “journey partners” through the Program

Over the 8 months of the Program, receive special BONUS Tools and Aids such as 3 assessments, 2 e-books, and 2 audio training programs to supplement the teaching


Back by popular demand, the Live virtual MAN PANEL (a panel of 10 enlightened brothas willing and ready to answer your questions)


INCLUDES the LIVE AND IN-PERSON Preparation for Partnership LUXURY Weekend Experience 

INCLUDED in your tuition –  Resort accommodations, sessions, meals, materials, Swag Bag, etc ) – midway through the program, October 27 – 29, 2023.

You’ll ALSO receive teachings on:

  • What is the DIVINE DESIGN of Covenant Marriage 
    • We’ve been following man’s blueprint instead of God’s or mis-teachings from the pulpit about marriage.  
    • Learn and experience the magnificence of the TRUE divine blueprint.
  • Exposing the 5 CORE “Marriage Myths”
  • How to be an ASSET
  • How to open a man’s heart
  • Developing High-Level Self-Love and the 7 Levels of Self-Love
  • How to create a SHIFT in your marriage by increasing your Feminine Energy
  • Re-opening your Heart through FORGIVENESS and HEALING work
  • Making the Shift from being in your “Girl” to being in your “Woman” in your love relationships/marriage
  • Understanding the 3 Divine Assignment of Wife and the 8 Divine Assignments of Husband
  • The 4 LEVELS of marriage, from Co-Operation to Divine Partnership, and what is required to elevate to having a Divine Partnership
  • Becoming proficient in speaking “Manese” so that you get what you want with EASE
  • How to use your Feminine Influence to shift your own energy and the energy of others
  • Self-Expression and deepening your Sensuousness
  • How to intentionally ACTIVATE a man
  • How to “season” a man
  • How Feminine Leadership and Masculine Headship work together beautifully in covenant Marriage
  • Debrena’s Modern Courtship – how and WHY it works for BOTH women and men (the alternative to “dating” as we’ve been doing it)
  • How to continue to feed your radiance and your Feminine Essence
  • The sacred art of home-making (verb) and MORE!

Note: Your Preparation for Partnership Investment INCLUDES the LIVE AND IN-PERSON Preparation for Partnership LIVE LUXURY Weekend Experience (INCLUDED in your tuition - resort accommodations, sessions, meals, materials, Swag Bag, etc) – midway the program, October 27 – 29, 2023

Join us for...

Preparation for Partnership

A Unique 8-month Transformational Preparation Journey for Covenant Marriage

Three Investment Options:

Last year’s MONTHLY TUITION was $695 per month, for 8 months.
THIS YEAR’S 2023-24 INVESTMENT OPTIONS are based upon a 23% – 28% discount:

Option 1
$ 529 9 Installments
  • June to February, $529 per month, due on the 2nd of each month, first installment due June 2
Option 2
$ 595 8 Installments
  • July to February, $595 per month, due on the 2nd of each month, first installment due July 2
Option 3
$ 3992 Paid in Full
  • (based upon $499 per month), due June 2nd

INITIAL deposit is processed to secure your spot and then future installments are processed from our office.  You’ll receive an Authorization Form to complete and submit with your preferred form of payment for future installments.


If you desire to participate but aren’t all the way sure and you’d appreciate a PHONE CALL with LaTonda Page, one of our Preparation for Partnership Support Team Members, please send back an email reply. You can speak with Support Team Member LaTonda Page to either get your final questions answered or discuss alternate payment arrangement terms. Please email us with “Request a Support Call” in the subject line and please INCLUDE your phone number.

We’ll have her reach out to connect with you and coordinate a phone Talk Time with you. LaTonda is a graduate of Preparation for Partnership and also served as the Moderator for this past year’s cohort class, and is a great resource.

Looking forward to having you join us for Preparation for Partnership!


Debrena and the Preparation for Partnership Team