You are now officially enrolled. Please check your email for updates and important communications related to How Men Tick in the upcoming weeks.
Here are a few things you’ll need to know and also do to get yourself ready.
Your Juicy Bonus
Bonus: Debrena’s Womb-Healing E-Book - Check your email for your instant download link.
Prep Homework
Order The Love Lies (Debrena’s most recent book) by March 6. To order your copy of The Love Lies, available in Hardcover, Kindle E-Book, or Autographed copy, click here.
Mark Your Calendar
Three WEDNESDAYS, MARCH 6, 13 and 20, from 5:30pm – 7:00pm PST/8:30pm to 10:00pm EST. You’ll be emailed the DIAL IN details and worksheets in advance.
We are excited to have you join us! Get ready to be transformed!
Juicily Yours, Debrena Jackson Gandy