Experience a NEW PARADIGM for love relationships and marriagethat SHAKES UP the Status Quo and exposes the “Love Lies”

Debrena’s popular signature relationships intensive for single and married women.

Claim your Complimentary Ticket to Debrena’s ONLY Virtual Love Academy 101 of 2023
Saturday February 11th, 2022
9:00am to 2pm PST/Noon to 5:00pm EST

YES! I want to claim my FREE ticket for Debrena Jackson Gandy’s ONCE A YEAR Love Academy 101 VIRTUAL Event

*You must be present for the ENTIRE session, and have your Camera ON for the duration (except during the break).

Enter your name, email address, and phone number below to receive complimentary access to this year’s Virtual Love Academy. You will receive an email when we open the doors with instructions on how to access the Virtual Love Academy. 

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