"Forgiveness and Emotional Freedom"
More Fully Activating the Power of Forgiveness in Your Life

3-Week Tele-Course with

Dear Sister:

God desires for you, as one of His beloved daughters, to be FREE, open-hearted and fully self-expressed in your life. Galatians 5:1 tells us to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”

Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual liberation tool and process that enables you to re-open your heart, release and transform negative emotions, and clear “old” toxic emotional residue and limiting beliefs from your mind, body, heart and spirit.

Forgiveness is the key to getting free and staying free so that all of you – your mind, body, spirit, heart, gifts, skills and talents - can be fully used by God. Forgiveness removes the “streaks and smudges” from your Inner Light so that you can "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven,” as the Word tells us in Matthew 5:16.

It is how you dis-entangle yourself from “yokes of bondage” that can take the form of damaged or low self-esteem, body shame, guilt, anger, resentment, promiscuity, substance abuse, self-dishonor, self-doubt, self-abuse, low self-confidence, destructive habits and patterns, or feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, and rejection.

But first, you have to understand the full 5-part Forgiveness Process and begin to apply it in your life. Learn how to go deeper, and begin to heal and restore places of brokenness within you.

Join Debrena for a value-packed evening 3-Week Tele-Course over three consecutive Monday evenings.

What You’ll Receive:
  • a deeper understanding of the full five-part forgiveness process,

  • how to use it as a personal “spiritual treatment” that heals and restores your mind, body, heart and spirit

  • BEGIN a powerful forgiveness journey of yourself and others, and

  • learn how to use forgiveness as an active “liberation” agent in your life.


The Forgiveness Guide: Understanding and Applying the Complete 5-Part Forgiveness Process to Yourself and Others


Dates and Times:

(If you register, it’s important that you’re present for all 3 Tele-course Calls)

  • Monday, October 14: 8:00pm to 9:30pm EST, 90 minutes
  • Monday, October 21: 8:00pm to 9:30pm EST, 90 minutes
  • Monday, October 28: 8:00pm to 9:30pm EST, 90 minutes

Usually, 4.5 hours of teaching with Debrena in one of her tele-courses is $297,

but for this event only, the special discounted rate is ONLY $97, a savings of $200!

Register Now

Your Tele-Course Forgiveness Guide BONUS and the Dial-In number and Code will be emailed to you in advance of the first session.

This offer is good only until Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 9:00pm EST.

Questions? Email: [email protected], Office Phone: 206-878-8163