MLM Academy After call

THANK YOU for your interest in investing in yourself and your business!

You now have the opportunity to sign up to become a Learner in Debrena Jackson Gandy’s MLM Academy, an on-going tele-training and tele-coaching program especially for women with direct selling and network marketing businesses.

If you desire to listen to the REPLAY of the Introduction Call, the REPLAY phone number is 712-432-0990, code 513891.

Click Here for a REPLAY of Introduction Call


Monthly:  $39 per month. You can cancel at any time.

Click here to sign up for $39 per month payment

Debrena’s MLM Academy is one-of-a-kind, and unique for several reasons…..

  • Her MLM Academy is an on-going, monthly tele-training and tele-coaching program especially for women business owners, taught by someone “who’s done it” – she’s built a world-class multi-million dollar direct selling  team – and wants to help you be successful.
  • Companies do a great job providing “how-to Skills” for their representatives and consultants, but they often are missing what Debrena calls “the other 3 S’s – the strategies, systems and structures that make for the winning combination. Debrena’s MLM Academy teaches “all 4 of the S’s – Skills, Strategies, Structure, and Systems!”
  • She also teaches her 7-Step Mindset Make-Over System as part of the Academy curriculum
  • Her MLM Academy enables you to stay connected on a regular basis to a community of other women direct selling and network marketing business owners, and enables you to take advantage of the live Q & A and coaching time on the calls.

We look forward to having you join us!

Once your registration is complete, you’ll receive your WELCOME Email with the dial-in information, preparation details, Call schedule, and the calendar of topics that will be covered.

Click here to sign up for $39 per month payment